Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

1st WEEK

Jan 22: Opening of the program and Orientation

Today is the first day that we met all the participants of the 5th batch SEA Teacher Exchange Student Program, in Saint Louis University. There are 11 of us, 9 from Indonesia and 2 Thailand. In the morning we gathered in front of the dorm, and met some of our buddies. They brought us to saw the SLU main campus. SLU main campus was a big campus that has a lot of stairs. In the beginning, it was tiring, but later I will get used to it.
The main agenda for today are opening of the program and orientation. At 8 o’clock the opening ceremony and the orientation was start. I am so happy because SLU was very welcome to us and finally I met Maeriana, my buddy. My buddy name’s is Maeriana. She is student of SLU in Mathematica. She is very kind, helpful and care buddy.
In the opening of the program and orientation, every Director, teacher, and staff from SLU that will accompany and guide us during this program gave speech and welcomed us very warm. SLU also presented us with a beautiful and very interesting performance of choir and culture dance of Philippines. At the end, we introduced our self and we closed this agenda with took a picture together. 
In the afternoon, we went to SM Mall to eat with our buddies and bought some stuff that we need for teach and others.

Jan 23: Campus tour
Today we had the campus tour with Ma’am Lagos. First we went to the other campus of SLU, Mary Heights Campus. From this campus, we can see the beautiful of Baguio. Ma’am Lagos brought us to see what is in this campus.
Next, we went to the SLU Elementary School. This was the place that Dinda will teach. This school named every classes with the positive world. It was like a suggestion for the student to be a positive person.
 After we went around the school we continued to go to the SLU Laboratory High School. In this school all of us, except Dinda will teach. We also go around the school and we met our cooperation teacher. My cooperating teacher is Ma’am Isican, math teacher in grade 7. So, I will teach math in grade 7 too.
To go back to the dorm, we used jeepney. Ma’am Lagos showed us how to use jeepney and where should we take off from jeepney.

Jan 24: First day of the class observation
This program was start today. We woke up early and got ready to the school. My buddy, Maeriana companied us to the school. She showed us where we can get a jeepney and the jeepney’s name that goes to the SLU LHS. For the first week in this program we observed the class that we will teach. From class observation we would know how the teacher teaches at the class, the student character and other things that teacher and student usually do at the class before and after the lesson.
We started the school activities with the flag ceremony. They do it every day at 8 o’clock and after that the 1st period of study will start at 8 past 10. There are 7 periods of study a day, one hour in every period.
My first impression about students here, especially grade 7 was they are so active. I saw that when the teacher asked a question or discussed about something. They didn’t be shy to answer and show their opinion even if their answer wasn’t correct.
About the teachers, my first impression was they are very discipline about class cleanliness. Before the teacher start the class, they always make sure the class is clean from any litter.
As a muslim we have 5 times a day to pray. I am very grateful because the SLU LHS allows us to pray at chapel. It is make us able to praying fervently.

Jan 25: Second day of the class observation

Like yesterday, I did the class observation. I saw how creative the student is. I saw it from their project in the class. They made a pop up about the story from the Bible. They did it in group or individually. Some of them drew the picture for the pop up but some of the other printed the picture.
Today, we only had half day school. After school, Mila and I visited the Burnham Park. This place was beautiful and good for refreshing. There was a lake in the middle of the park. You can play many attractions like cycling, riding the bout or just enjoying the view. Many people came to this park. What I like from this park was the sun flowers. The sun flowers grow very beautiful.

Jan 26: Last day of the class observation

Today was a teacher’s day. Many students gave something to their teacher. But it didn’t happy in 7E, in the class that I observed and where the Ma’am Isican being the homeroom teacher.
Today in science class, students drew the typical of the cell. They worked in a group. Some of them did it very fast and some other didn’t fast. They colored and named every part of cell that they draw. Even they did it fast but 1 hour was not enough for them to finish it. They will continue it on next meeting. 
Because it was Friday, the 7th period was the club time. In the last class I am surprise that 7E was preparing something for Ma’am Isican. They bought flower and chocolate. When Ma’am Isican entered the class for teach math, 7E surprised her and gave the flower and chocolate. It was so touching.

Problem Encountered
a)   In grade 7, I see many students still childish. Sometimes they can’t being silent during the lessons. Probably because they are still adapting to the school environment, from elementary school to junior high school.
b)  Students are easily bored if the teacher given too much exercises.
c)   It is very difficult to get a jeepney when it's time to go home from school.

Problem Handled
a)   Students should be aware that they are in high school. They can be told in a subtle but firm way. It depends on the condition of the students. Advising loudly continuously is also less effective. It can make the students do not give respect to the teacher because they feel it is usually done by the teacher.
b)  We can first provide them with easy exercises and with small amounts. Then the exercise continues to be improved in both the difficulty and the amount. Because of the difficult and many exercises is needed to be better understood with what has been learned
c)   We walk up or we walk down from the school. Because when we wait the jeepney in front of the school, jeepney will always have been full. If we walk down, we can take other name of jeepney that go to the same place.

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